Samantha Sons

Why I became a board member

I joined the board because advocating for people with special needs is very important to me and my family. It is an honor to be a part of something much bigger than myself that can make a positive impact for others. I believe that my personal experiences, professional background, and education will provide valuable resources and insight to In-Pact.

What keeps me on the board

I plan to remain on the board for many years to stay connected to our community, but mostly to contribute to growth and future developments within the organization.

Employment History

I am an Early Intervention Service Coordinator for Indiana First Steps enabling families to have access to quality supports that are effective, coordinate those services, and develop individualized family service plans for their child’s developmental needs. Helping families with children with special needs has always been a passion of mine and is deeply rooted in my own personal life. Currently, I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Indiana University Northwest; as well as, a Master of Science in Health Communication from Purdue University.

Family history

I live in Porter County with my two children. Family and friends are very important to me. I spend the majority of my time with my two children, my fiancé and his two children, siblings, nieces and nephews, parents and friends. My son has taken a strong interest in cooking and I enjoy spending my free time teaching him how to cook and bake. If I’m not in the kitchen, I am watching baseball, football, or basketball with my special needs daughter whom cannot get enough of sports entertainment.

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